I was amazed when reading this book that they could make a family dealing with a child with leukemia light hearted and funny.  I really loved the interaction between Steven and Jeffrey.  Steven just had an inate ability to know how to make Jeffrey feel better.  I loved the part when he brought Jeffrey his favorite Bob the medic action figure to Jeffrey to help him through when he was in the hospital.   I thought it was really cute when Jeffrey gave the figure back to his brother to make him feel better when he had the flu and had to stay with his grandparents.  Thoughout the entire book I found myself touched by the relationship between the two brothers.  I honestly don't think The Alper family would have made it through without Steven.  He had such great strength and courage for a young kid.   After reading this book, I have found a favorite for adololescents.   I have ordered the other books by Jordan Sonneblick for my kids

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